I remember when life used to be easy. *Sigh*. Now school starts tomorrow. How the hell did that happen? Not just where did the summer go. We live in Arizona. It's always summer here, basically, and with a forecast of 114 degrees the summer can go screw itself anyway. I'm hot. I don't care about summer. What I DO care about is the fact that somehow, I have a second grader and a fourth grader as of tomorrow. Considering the fact that I was never getting married and I was never having kids there are still days where I find myself surprised by the fact that my house is filled with all of these people that I never expected to have around.
Now don't get me wrong - I am lucky enough to be married to the love of my life and honest to God he is truly my best friend in the world so it's a GOOD thing that he's here with me, helping me navigate the world. (AKA Keeping me SANE) The kids are pretty good, too. Well behaved for the most part, as far as kids go. They generally don't drive me too crazy and they really do come out with the most hilarious things on occasion. So they're cute but jesus, they're expensive. We just shelled out over a thousand dollars for school lunches for the year, after school care, gymnastics, and school supplies. Take that, Dave Ramsey.
But I DO have kids. And every year they're getting older. And bigger. And more intelligent. And more opinionated. Especially the girl child. Jesus - she is my mother's revenge on the crap I pulled when I was a kid. The girl child is probably 100x better behaved than I ever was but she is just like me and therein lies the problem. She is just as stubborn, opinionated and as RIGHT ABOUT EVERYTHING as I am. But she's louder. And she whines. There is nothing like a whiny girl child to make you rethink everything.
Tonight she knocked out her tooth on her brother's head. (Poor guy didn't even complain!) First she was screaming because her tooth was bleeding. I reminded her that it was a baby tooth and was going to fall out anyway eventually. That didn't work so I reminded her that if it indeed fell out, the tooth fairy would come. That shut her up and she went back outside. All was quiet until she came running (screaming again) because she had lost her tooth in the garage. Not that it fell out in the garage but that it had fallen out at some point and now was lost in the garage. Do you know what it's like to be looking in a garage for a baby tooth in Arizona in 112 degree heat?!? It sucks. But I found it. I deserve a supermommy award but since my hubby's at work and my kids are in bed, this cold beer will have to do.
Back to my original thought. My kids are growing up. They're in second and fourth grade as of tomorrow. Another school year will wrap itself around our lives and we'll again live for weekends where we can do family things and appreciate them until they drive us nuts. It's a never ending cycle around here where time doesn't slow down. School will start, Halloween will come, then Christmas. It's scary, really. When my mother in law tells me that I will blink and they'll be in college I get just a little afraid that she's telling the truth.
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