Monday, August 13, 2012

Oh my aching body...

You know how it feels the day after you go bowling... when you haven't been bowling in, say, 10+ years?  Well that's how I am feeling today... and my little project is not quite done yet.  My hubby got the deglosser and the first coat of stain/paint on the cabinets and the cabinet doors.  I cleaned unimaginable horrors from beneath the oven and behind the fridge.  I managed to get about 2/3 of the backsplash done but then decided I wanted to do more so... well, there's more to do but it might have to wait until we get paid again.  Renovating on a budget can be tough.  It is starting to come together and it looks AMAZING so far.  My body, however, is sore.  You don't realize how much twisting you're doing when you are doing backsplash.  I'm going to take a few days off to recover before I finish and get started on the grouting. Pictures to follow...

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